Basement remodeling is one of the aspects that has the attention of most homeowners. The value of the house renovation market is currently at half a billion dollars, and it gets anticipated to keep expanding annually.

For most people, basements are an additional area that can transform into a comfortable living space. You can bring warmth and elegance with various furnaces offered by fireplace manufacturers. Nevertheless, depending on the basement’s layout, construction, and local building standards, the process could seem onerous.

Here are some factors to consider while picking the best fireplace for your home before beginning the process.

Building and Safety Codes

Security is the most crucial element you must consider when planning your basement remodel. Given a typical basement’s enclosed nature and size, the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning and fire are relatively significant.

The basement finishing codes for Ottawa require you to include smoke alarms and carbon dioxide. Also, you must have an escape route and insulation to shield the area from danger from fire. When selecting furnaces from fireplace companies to complete your home remodeling projects, these are essential things to keep in mind.

Different Types of Fireplaces

If you plan to rebuild your basement, your fireplace must have an exit for the smoke. You will require vents or ways to eliminate the fumes from burning. Fireplace companies have different furnaces that do not require a chimney like the traditional one.

It is also essential to consider how easy it is to keep the furnace in good condition. Maintenance tasks like removing debris and ash from the fireplace are crucial.

There are three kinds of furnaces: wood-burning, gas, and electric.

Wood-Burning Fireplace

The practice of installing wood-burning fireplaces get widely used in Ottawa homes. It could be the sound of crackling and the burning of the wood, which creates an atmosphere that makes your house feel warm and comfortable.

If constructed appropriately, wood furnaces can be energy-efficient, which is a significant benefit. When wood gets burned, it releases radiant energy that makes the room warmer quicker. Other systems will need fans to move the heated air into the vent.

There are better choices than a firewood furnace for maintenance issues. Also, it requires a continuous supply of good quality wood that is highly flammable and difficult to store. If the ash and burned wood accumulate, they could increase the likelihood of a fire.

Gas Fireplace

Gas is a much more practical alternative to wood. You won’t have to worry about the burden of removal of the burning material or ash. Also, you don’t need to worry about having high-quality dry wood that will keep the hearth glowing efficiently.

There are two significant kinds of gas fireplaces.

Vent System: Vent systems have a chimney or vent that directs the furnace’s heat toward the outside. Gas fireplaces with flues are a secure option because of the low danger of smoking or the hazardous buildup of gases.

Vent-less System: Vent-less systems don’t have chimneys to direct the smoldering air outside. Most ventless fireplace manufacturers have an electronic sensor that cuts off the gas when the sensor detects carbon dioxide. These systems are considered secure. They might be an inappropriate basement option, particularly when you need more space.

Electric Fireplace

Electric furnaces do lack the natural look and feel. It also depends heavily on the electricity grid, which is vulnerable to interruptions. But, they’re more simple to set up and operate in basements that are small in size. Electric fireplaces are also highly efficient in heating small spaces.

In conclusion

A fireplace can add ambiance as well as warmth house. Suppose you plan to install fireplaces inside your basement. In that case, you must consider the safety of your home, building codes, and space specifications.

If you plan to remodel your basement, various skills are needed. At Ottawa Home Pros, we combine all of them under one roof. Call us at (613)-288-9145 or email us at for basement remodeling.