The fall season is upon us, so it’s the perfect time to ensure that your landscape is in good order and prepared for the transition to colder winter weather. There is plenty of information available on how to prepare your landscape to be ready for the winter months in Ottawa. But, it’s not always as crucial to be aware of what you shouldn’t do with your landscaping.

Water Is Scarce in the Fall.

In general, for landscaping and yard work, the dryer and hotter the weather gets, the more water your landscaping requires. As fall approaches and the temperatures fall, there will be less evaporation, so your lawn and plants need less water. Since the ground loses less water through evaporation, more is available for your landscape to absorb. Please take note of temperature fluctuations and decrease the watering needed for the lawn and plants to ensure that they don’t drown!

Get Rid of All Your Leaves

Another standard error people make is believing they should dispose of or burn the entire pile of fallen leaves from their lawn. Although this is a great option to eliminate leaves, why not put them to use. Leaves that decrease are an excellent resource for a variety of items, such as:


If you cut your leaves to form a mulch, you can use them to create fertilizer for your lawn. Be sure to aerate your property before spreading leaves over it. It allows the smaller pieces from leaf litter to soak into the soil and release their nutrients to the ground.

Winter Protection

Although a thick layer of leaves in your yard can cause death, leaves can negatively impact bushes and plants. Covering them with a 6-inch layer of leaves shields them from the most severe winter conditions. The additional layer of insulation will help prevent the frost from getting deep into the soil, which can cause damage to roots.

The Kids Are Having a Great Time.

There’s nothing more exciting for children than squeezing into a massive collection of fallen leaves. The leaves are a great place to rest and provide fun for the adults. After the fun is over and the kids are gone, have them help bring the leaves so that you can get correctly rid of them.

Let the Deer Be in Charge

Deer are gorgeous and majestic creatures. When you reside in a region where deer are prevalent, It’s tempting to allow them all the freedom they want around your property. While it can be enjoyable to watch, it can ruin your landscaping plants and shrubs. Installing security barriers like fences around your precious shrubs will help limit the damage and prevent deer from ruining the hard work you’ve put into it.

Prune Too Often

Pruning your plants and bushes before winter comes around cannot be overemphasized. Pruning provides many benefits to your trees, plants, and shrubs. Pruning your trees helps protect and improve the well-being of your plants by allowing you to create healthy, new branches, fruits, and flowers to bloom. It also assists in preventing creatures and pests from making their nests within your garden, which could cause an amount of damage.

Aerate your Cool-Season Grass


Aerating your lawn can be an enormous undertaking, but it is also a massive reward once spring arrives. A few of the advantages of aerating your property are:

  • Strengthens and sustains the grassroots
  • Lets air and water flow through the roots and soil more quickly
  • Compacts and loosens dense soil
  • Improve fertilization
  • It prevents mushrooms from growing
  • It boosts insect resistance
  • Drought-resistant
  • It motivates growth

You don’t have to ruin your beautiful landscape because the weather gets colder. If you are aware of what you need to and shouldn’t do to your landscaping this autumn and winter, you can ensure it stays in good shape all through the year. However, taking the time to take care of your landscaping and getting it ready for winter and fall isn’t easy. In addition to all the other things in your hectic life, it cannot be easy to complete the task. It is where the Ottawa Home Pros can help. We have the experience to ensure your lawn looks fantastic throughout the year. So, whether it’s taking care of your property through the winter and autumn or getting it back to its best in the spring, let the Ottawa Home Pros handle everything. Call today at (613) 288-9145 or email us at