Management of the water supply is a top concern for landscaping in Ottawa. Ottawa Home Pros team has excellent ways to save water while hydrating the lawn, trees, and plants.
We can assist you in implementing these ideas into your landscaping maintenance strategy.
Choose the Proper Water Delivery Schedule.
Begin working with the Ottawa Home Pros team to determine the most significant trees and plants during water restrictions. These elements form the foundation of your landscaping and are more complex to replace than the smaller trees and flowers.
Choose a Reliable Delivery Method.
Select various options collaborating with your landscapers, such as drips and small sprays. When the rain is low, drip irrigation makes each drop count. It dispenses water to the areas where trees and plants need it most and targets the root systems to reap maximum benefit. Limiting spray onto hard surfaces is essential as the water can evaporate rapidly. We also offer solutions to reduce the impact of drought on irrigation suitable for Ottawa properties.
Water Your Plants in the Morning.
Plan your schedule around the early morning hours to stop excessive evaporation and give your plants an extra energy boost for the rest of the day. Alternately, plan the watering schedule to take place in the late afternoon or early evening, after the sun has set.
Do You Require a Large Lawn?
Consult with your lawn experts to select the suitable grass for you to save as much water as you can. If you fill in a portion of your yard with drought-tolerant ornamental plants, you will still enjoy a spot of greenery while minimizing thirsty grass. For example, consider the possibility of a mixture of ground cover and plants to create a border around the central lawn, which is smaller.
Create Meadows.
It’s an enjoyable and imaginative option that could alleviate the stress of managing drought. The landscape designer will help you choose between a modern or traditional style. Plants are native or water-friendly, and there is a wide variety of them in the fields. Particular features like stone paths or fairy circles can enhance the elegant look without compromising safety and security.
Switch to a Groundcover Instead of a Lawn.
Ground covers that are low-water require smaller amounts of water than grass. Contact your landscaping team to learn more about the soil covering similar to grass. Think about micro clover or woolly thyme to form the basis for a more biodiverse lawn.
Develop Hydro Zones.
These zones serve as a means of grouping plants that have similar water needs together. It provides distinct areas to look out for problems and wilting, but without the same level of scrutiny for the entire landscaping plan.
Healthy Soil Is Essential to a Healthy Landscape.
Request a soil test. Our experts can analyze the soil”s pH (ideal range is between 6 and 7) and water retention, as well as healthy drainage.
Mulch Your Trees, Shrubs, and Plants.
Mulching can be beneficial for various reasons, such as water retention and stopping the growth of weeds that deprive your landscape of valuable water.
Innovate with the Latest Technology.
Our team can put in intelligent controls, auto rain shut-off sensors, and other equipment to help you conserve the water dripping from your property.
Contact Ottawa Home Pros to set up an appointment to discuss one of these tips to conserve water in your landscape in Ottawa. Call (613) 288-9145 or email us at for a quote.